Clinical professor, known as professor of practice, is an academic appointment made to a member of a profession who is associated with a university and engages in practical instruction of professional students. Professor is an academic position in a teaching institution well both private and Govt. So this was all the information you need to become a professor in India. I am done.

June 2007 edited July 2007. New Delhi: The Supreme Court has ruled that a PhD is not required for promotion to the post of professor in medical colleges attached to central government-funded universities.

It can take at least eight years of college education to become a professor. JetX 68 replies 44 threads Junior Member. Community colleges and career training centers may hire a professor with a master’s degree.

This is a ton of information to take in at once, especially if you're at the beginning of this process or if you're still unsure about entering the medical field. For instance Ken Kosik went from Harvard Medical School to UCSB. The recent document released by Medical council of India clearly mentioned the minimum qualifications for various teaching positions in a medical college. Teaching one of the noblest professions in the world. Re: How can I become a Professor in any Medical college being a BAMS student? The following article comprises of details related to Qualification, Eligibility, Exams and Job Opportunities for a career path in lecturership. Titles in this category may include clinical instructor, assistant clinical professor, associate clinical professor, and clinical professor. "The Teachers in a medical college or institution having a total of 8 years teaching experience out of which at least 4 years teaching experience as Assistant Professor with at least one research publication in indexed journals (as indicated in table) gained after obtaining postgraduate degree shall be recognized as postgraduate teacher in broad specialties. IMHO, it is rare for an MD to teach undergrads, because it is rare for an MD to be on a faculty other than for a medical school but it does happen.

So it would be wise to go through the specific requirements of the university or college you wish to work with. After six years of founding and leading the School of Education and Social Policy at Merrimack College, I have returned to the faculty.

The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is required for entry into medical school. Study with us whether you are an undergraduate applicant who wants to study medicine at a world class medical school, or a qualified clinician wishing to undertake CPD or gain a postgraduate qualification in medical or clinical education. "The Teachers in a medical college or institution having a total of 8 years teaching experience out of which at least 4 years teaching experience as Assistant Professor with at least one research publication in indexed journals (as indicated in table) gained after obtaining postgraduate degree shall be recognized as postgraduate teacher in broad specialties.

You may submit MCAT scores that are up to 3 years old, so you may consider taking the test a couple of years early.

After MBBS one does PG in any medical specialty then they are eligible to be a faculty in any medical college.

A senior professor had a PhD in Anatomy as well, who used to teach at Manipal. To become a professorin a medical college, you have to clear your twelth class in science including biology,then you have to clear pre medical entrance test,then complete MBBS and then rural posting is to be done for +/_ 2 years,the get yourself in post graduation.

Though it pays well and gives a reputed social status, it comes with huge responsibilities. But that's one part. Plan accordingly and start studying at least 6 months before the test.

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